Wednesday, 3 July 2013

It's a Post-Op Infection and only A-Listers are invited!

Welcome to the social event of the post-op calendar! Almost a week of festivities with all your favourite stars along for the ride!
Severe Pain showed up early to the event and partied hard in her towering stilettos, stomping the dance floor from dusk till dawn. Arriving shortly afterwards, and joined at the hip were Giant Tennis Ball Sized Lump and Red Red Skin. These two canoodled together so much that insiders are already touting them as the new 'It' couple.
The science geeks who are so hot right now, Antibiotics, arrived mid festival. This group has always been known for their ability to improve any party, mainly due to their sexy science secrets and interest in the group has risen to an all time level. The blogosphere was awash with reports that almost directly after their arrival, the daring diva Severe Pain tried hooking up with one of their members. ThisIsSoLame wrote ' Severe Pain was so into AB1, it was obvious to everyone there. But he showed absolutely no interest and eventually had to tell her straight that nothing was gonna happen. SP was totally embarrassed and mad and she left in a huff!'
Hip Hop group Ewww Gross arrived amidst increased paparazzi activity as they are well known for causing trouble at events such as this. They lay low for a short period but it wasn't long until they clashed with event security company Giant Mother Fucking Syringe. Three of their members, Pus, More Pus and Holy Shit How Much Pus Can There Be, were ejected from the event, however Lurking Pus and Could be Swelling Not Pus were allowed to stay. At this point Horse Sized Antibiotic had arrived and calmed everyone down.
There are still several days of this festival left, stay tuned to hear all the latest goss about your fave celebs.

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